Sharing, learning and working as a team
If you always feel like you are in the starting blocks, this newsletter is for you.
Continuous Disclosure: what are we talking about
PyCon Italia 2023: were you there too?
On the Codemotion boxing ring
The more you experience, the more you realize how many things you still have to learn.
In 20tab, we have been constantly learning many things and then returning them to the ecosystem, continuously disseminating our improvements.
We have internally initiated a new, cyclical, and continuous process:
learning new things
applying them daily in our work
disseminating them externally
This gave rise to the concept of Continuous Disclosure, an integration between Continuous Learning and Continuous Improvement.
How do we actually do it?
Well, we invest time in training. We have created what we call Friday Learning for the 20tab team, dedicated afternoons during which we explore new and useful topics. Additionally, we actively participate in meetups and conferences, attending talks and discovering new technologies and approaches.
Everything we learn, we strive to put into practice, integrating these principles into our everyday reality. We continuously seek to improve processes, remain dedicated to open-source development and tool creation, and foster closer collaborations with other companies, allowing for genuine mutual exchange of ideas.
And what comes next?
Once we feel prepared and have acquired sufficient knowledge, we share these topics with the outside world. We deliver presentations at industry meetups and prominent conferences.

A few months ago Juliana, Virginia e Laura, Paolo e Raffaele had the opportunity to present their talks at PyCon Italia 2023→. They covered a range of important topics including Open Source contribution, usability and accessibility, web maps in Django, and Continuous Delivery. It was a significant achievement to bring these subjects to the second-largest Python conference in Europe.
But that's not all!
By participating in such events, we contribute to and benefit from the same ecosystem: that of technicians, professionals, and developers. However, what about the business world?
In this way we take and give back within the same ecosystem: that of technicians, of professionals, of developers. What about the business world?
At 20tab, we actively engage customers in the development process of our digital products. We involve them from the initial discovery phase and regularly include them into the sprints. This promotes transparency, shared decision-making, and visible value creation.
Bringing clients inside the process enhances their awareness while improving the experience for our technicians. No anxieties, no misunderstandings, no friction.
In some cases, the collaboration evolves into disclosure: our collaboration with GS1 on the 🟢PictureIt app led to an opportunity to present at their conference. We discussed the technical and methodological aspects of our work, sharing valuable insights.

This triggers a powerful virtuous circle: a well-functioning software, a satisfied client and a quality product that meets the needs of end-users.
Read more about Continuous Disclosure →
🥊 Join us on the boxing ring!
A compelling series that takes you into the exciting world of Product Management, exploring the dynamics and controversies that arise between the different figures involved in digital product development.
Through this series, you will witness heated confrontations and extraordinary collaborations, discovering how dialogue and synergy between devs, designers, product managers and marketers can lead to extraordinary results.
In the episodes you can find several faces of 20tab: the first was our Head of Product, Gabriele Giaccari.
…who will be next?
Do you have events and conferences you would like to tell us about, or would you like to involve us in your company's training and work? Book a call with our team now: we are ready to answer your questions and find out how we can work together to achieve your goals.