[SPECIAL] 🟡 Spreading Product Culture
Why it is important to talk about Product (especially in Italy) and how we do it at Product Management Day.
Product Management Day 2023
⭐️ Your Promo Code
“Product management is all about creating value for the customer. It’s not about making things or selling things; it’s about creating value.”
We steal the words of Marty Cagan to open this "special edition" of Disclosure dedicated to Product and Product Management Day.
We do this because it is from here that the evolution of 20tab begins, from here that the conference was born, from here that the discussion in the italian product scene starts.
Talking about Product means talking about value for the user, about solutions to a problem identified through data, analysis, people's words and beahviors. It is not an established route, but moves through iterations, to achieve the one great goal: user satisfaction and loyalty to the company's business model.
20tab is a 🟣Product Team as a Service: we are a team composed of every role necessary for the development of a Digital Product (developers, designers, testers, product managers, marketers, etc.), with a Lean/Agile mindset, who works closely with the client to help them achieve their goals, according to a flexible time frame or budget determined by the client.
Generally speaking, we could say that Product Team as a Service (PTaaS) promotes a holistic view of the Digital Products making process: all components are crucial, and the absence of one could compromise the success of the entire operation.
We love to work on Products that have a real impact on the targeted users, products that can be seen as an advantage for the clients who commission them.
But we also love to talk about it, discuss it with other companies and experts.
A conference called Product Management Day
When we first tried to talk about Product, with the bold experiment of creating a conference entirely dedicated to it, it was a pleasant surprise.
There were people in 2021 who were interested in bringing their experience to the table, showing their method, bringing numbers and results, as well as mistakes and lessons learned on the field.
That's how Product Management Day was born: from a challenge, a great network, a strong sense of community and a great shared passion that we also found outside of 20tab.
The event, initially the first in Italy to delve into Product Management in 2021, has expanded over time and is now gearing up for its third edition on October 27th.
Things you need to know about Product Management Day 2023
This year the conference becomes an even more comprehensive event, further amplifying the concepts behind it from the very beginning: content, with two Keynote Speakers and a double track, and networking, through Round Tables and a dedicated space for discussions.
📍We are in Nana Bianca, in Florence.
This year we are in one of the most elegant cities in Italy, Florence, with a special co-organizer, Nana Bianca. Our conference will be hosted in its spacious, forward-thinking spaces, purposefully designed to foster a sense of community; making it the ideal venue for this event.
✍🏼 On the 26th there are two Workshops for members, and more.
Also in 2023 we kickstart our engines with the most hands-on phase of the conference - the Workshops.
This year marks the first time in Italy for Itamar Gilad, with his afternoon training dedicated to his GIST framework, a real must of Product teams. You can still purchase the workshop, even if you can't join us on the 27th but still wish to enjoy an enriching afternoon of Product insights.
And then the Essere Agile team, with Michele Budri, for a different kind of training, combining Design Thinking and Agile through cooking. A workshop reserved only for conference registrants, and available for purchase (only a few seats remain!) along with your Product Management Day ticket.
🎙️ Product Management Day: welcoming international guests and Italian experts.
This year we offer two tracks featuring practical talks, shaped by the speakers' diverse backgrounds and experiences, covering a range of topics that can be explored at various levels of knowledge.
Together with Itamar Gilad and Pawel Huryn, the two Keynoters, also Farbod Saraf from Miro and Timoté Geimer from dualoop, and then Susanna Ferrario, Andrea Provaglio, Costanza Mosi, Virginia Capoluongo, Luca Malandrino and Francesca Tiso, Luca Barboni and many others.
🤝🏼 Getting to know each other and networking.
The Food area will be the dedicated space for networking, fostering interactions, and sharing opinions and experiences throughout the day. Additionally, our conference sponsors will have their physical spaces and will offer opportunities for knowledge sharing and discussions through Round Tables, which constitute a dedicated third track.

Our breaks are scheduled to allow participants plentiful time for networking (and enjoying some refreshments, of course!). Networking is an integral aspect of Product Management Day. After all, numerous collaborations and job opportunities were born here.
⭐️ A promo code for you who follow Disclosure
The event is just a few weeks away, and if you haven't secured your ticket yet, now it is the right time to do so. As a token of appreciation for following our newsletter, we've set aside a promo code exclusively for you. This code will grant you a discount on any remaining tickets.
We would be delighted to meet you in Florence on October 27th, taking our connection from the digital realm into the real world.
We look forward to seeing you at Product Management Day 2023!